So the thing that makes handing in assignments, especially Writer's Craft assignments or art projects so difficult is that you put your emotions and what you believe on a medium for people to judge. It's true that the comments from the teachers and critics are helpful and may help you develop something better but it may also become discouraging.
I also think that the reason that some of our world seems so congruent, that everyone surrenders to fads and trends is because a lot of times people are just afraid to be different in fear of being judged. It's a lot easier to abide by what everyone else is doing, especially when you know that it is acceptable and the judgement isn't bad. Whereas dressing differently, believing in something someone else doesn't, writing about an unpopular topic with an unpopular opinion, or a piece of art that makes a statement has a risk in it, and most people are too afraid to take it. Us as humans seem to crave some sort of reassurance from the opinion of others. Sometimes it may be for the best, but sometimes it is just ducking down and getting lost in the crowd.
There's this video on youtube by the vlogbrothers that includes John Green, a best selling author. They basically have a channel of videos that touch upon a variety of different topics and sometimes they are so funny or silly that for a moment you forget he's a bestselling author and can write such beautiful things because of how ridiculous he acts. Anyways, the video basically was the inspiration of this post and is my absolute favorite. I feel as if it bluntly states what we all deep inside know.
I love the youtube video. It makes an excellent point about creating being terrifying. I would have liked to read your thoughts on creating. How do you get over the fear of judgment? What are some personal strategies?
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